Article Detail

3/29/2024 - 4/4/2024 (Register)

Spicy Lime Fizz; Adult, Ages 18+

Take Home Kit

Make a refreshing bubbly drink with club soda, pineapple juice, and various other ingredients. Registration is required and opens March 24. Kits will be ready to pick up by March 29.

4/1/2024 - 5/12/2024

2024 Adult Library Program

Adventure Begins at Your Library

The Adult Library Program will begin on April 1 and continue through May 12. Register for the program at the library and receive a chance to win an enameled Dutch oven. Participate in events...
4/1/2024 - 4/5/2024

Wind Tunnel Experiments

April 1-5, during open hours

Wind tunnels help inventors and manufacturers of vehicles understand how their designs will be affected by the flow of air over and around their designs. By reducing friction, vehicles can go...
4/1/2024 - 4/14/2024

National Library Week with Sarpy County Libraries | Apr 1-14, during open hours | All ages

Visit your home library to pick up your passport and receive the secret code. Then visit the remaining participating Sarpy County Libraries (Bellevue, Gretna, Papillion, and Springfield) and...
4/3/2024 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Music and Movement with Sing Omaha (Ages 0 through 5)

Each Wednesday at 9:30 AM; repeated at 10:15 AM

Each Wed, 9:30-10 AM; repeated 10:15-10:45 AM   Join Heidi Bush from Sing Omaha for a half hour of music, dancing, and play. Heidi will show us how to use our voices and play special...

Theme picker