**NOTE: Meeting rooms can only be used for nonprofit activities
The Bellevue Public Library has two meeting rooms available for groups to use: A large, dividable space for bigger groups and a small conference room that seats up to 4 people.
The following are general guidelines and policies for the user of the meeting rooms.
The meeting rooms shall be used primarily for library programming.
The meeting rooms shall be available as needed for meetings and workshops of the Bellevue City Council. The meeting rooms shall also be available for any city board meeting, for city or departmental staff training, and for other city sponsored or co-sponsored activities.
The library's large meeting room serves as a polling place for local, state and federal elections. No other meeting room use shall be scheduled during election day.
Elected local, state and federal officeholders may request the use the library's meeting room for Town Hall meetings as a method of reaching their constituents. These meetings cannot be scheduled during a re-election campaign, however.
The meeting rooms shall also be available to nonprofit groups for general, committee, and/or board meetings as long as these organizations comply with the rules and regulations for use of the meeting rooms. Political, religious, for-profit groups, any group that advocates breaking city, state, or federal laws, or whose actions could result in physical danger to others may not use the meeting rooms.
Each group or organization that uses a library meeting room must fill out an "Application for Meeting Room Use." If there is a question about the application, it should be presented to the library director for approval before any meetings can be scheduled. Completed forms are kept on file at the circulation desk and are reviewed annually.
Groups should complete application forms at least one week before the first meeting so there is sufficient time to review and approve the application and update the library's calendar.
The library may request proof of nonprofit status, such as a copy of the organization's charter, a copy of its current report filed with the Secretary of State, or a copy of the current bylaws of the organization.
The library will make every attempt to avoid any scheduling conflicts. No meetings may be scheduled during those times the library has blocked out for projected adult or youth programs. City Council meetings and workshops shall always take precedence over all other meetings.
In case of a conflict with a city or library activity, library staff will notify the affected groups at least one (1) week in advance so they can reschedule their meeting place.
The Head of Circulation will maintain a current calendar of meetings at the circulation desk. She/he will be responsible for notifying groups of any changes in the schedule.