Ask a Librarian allows you to reserve a free half hour with a librarian at the Bellevue Public Library. We can help you find resources for your research paper, work with you on learning computer skills, or assist you with library resources such as eBooks and databases. Fill out the form to request a one-on-one technology or skill-building session. Additional appointments can be requested with a maximum of two appointments per month.
Book clubs will love our collection of over 200 book club kits. Each kit contains ten copies of a title and a discussion guide.
Discover information about our technology and computer resources. From the computer lab and free Wi-Fi or self-service fax to the library's mobile app and texting services, you'll find something for everyone.
Need a test proctored? The Bellevue Public Library Adult Services Department provides proctoring services and will meet the proctoring requirements of the testing institution whenever possible. However, the library cannot provide direct in-room supervision of the student during the test. Testing is done in the main area of the library.
Proctoring services can be provided during specific library hours. Patrons who must use a library computer for an online test must follow library computer use policies including time and computer system limitations.
To arrange for proctoring services, contact the library at 402-293-3157 or e-mail
The library in partnership with the Friends of the Bellevue Public Library offers a program for homebound patrons called Bellevue Public Library@Home. This program is geared toward adult patrons who are unable to come to the library because of a physical condition or who lack transportation.
Can’t find what you are looking for in our catalog? We may be able to borrow it from another library through interlibrary loan (ILL). We are able to borrow books, microfilm, audiobooks, DVDs, and other types of items. Fees start at $3.00 per item for this service to help with shipping and handling costs.
There are two meeting rooms in the library for group meetings: the large meeting room seats up to 75 and the small meeting room seats up to 8. You will need to apply for the use of these rooms at least one week in advance.
The mobile app provides 24/7 access to search the online catalog, view your library account, place holds and renew items. You can also browse eBook and eAudio titles, library events, find our contact information, and more. The app is available for free in the Google Play Store and the App Store for Apple devices.
The library has a free notary service. You will be required to present a valid form of photo identification to be able to have your document(s) notarized. Please phone the library at 402-293-3157, to ensure that a notary is available.
The library has 4 study rooms available. These rooms are for a maximum of 2 people.
Take advantage of library notices on your mobile phone! With the texting service you may receive text notices about available holds, items that are due soon, and overdue items.