Using Your Library

Services & Resources Using Your Library

Using Your Library

Checking Out

You must have a valid library card to check out materials.  A parent or guardian must sign for children under 14 years.

Most materials are loaned for 21 days except for:

  • DVDs for 7 days
  • Bingo Boxes for 7 days

Limits by type:

  • 1 game
  • 5 puzzles
  • 5 stamp sets
  • 1 Bingo box
  • 5 New books
  • 5 Books by an author
  • 5 Books on a subject
  • 10 audiobooks
  • 10 magazines
  • 10 music CDs
  • 10 DVDs per card

New collections and items in special displays may have lower limits due to size of the collection. Please refer to display signage.

At checkout, each user can receive a printout or email of items borrowed in that session and their due dates. Patrons can also check their account online to see a list of all borrowed items under My Account on the Catalog page.

Note: First-time users are limited to 5 items per card on their first day's checkout.  Otherwise, the maximum number of items allowed per session is 20 per card.


Most materials can be renewed twice as long as there are no holds. DVDs can be renewed once for an additional 7 days as long as there are no holds. New books can be renewed once for and additional 21 days as long as there are no holds. When you renew an item that is overdue past the grace period, you are charged the applicable fines.

Materials can be renewed at the checkout desk, by telephone, or online. Self-renewals will require the patron's library card barcode and Personal Identification Number (PIN).

There is a grace period for all borrowed items (except for Adventure Passes) of 4 days.

There is no fine on items returned within the grace period. But once the grace period expires, fines are calculated from the DUE DATE and not from the end of the grace period.


If  the item you want is listed in our catalog but is checked out, you can place a hold on it yourself through the online catalog from this website or at any Public Access Computer (PAC) in the library.  You will need your library card barcode number and Personal Identification Number (PIN). Holds may also be placed by telephone or at the main checkout desk in the library.

Only items that check out can be placed on hold.

You will be emailed if email address is provided, texted or called when the item is available for you.  Reserves are held for 5 days after they are first located.  If you want to be notified by mail, please ask at the desk.

Overdue Items

Remember: You are responsible for the return of materials on time and for payment of any overdue fines assessed on your card.  Overdue information will be emailed if an email address is provided, called, or mailed. At checkout you are provided a list of items borrowed and their due dates. Please refer to this slip as needed or access your account online.

There is a 4 day fine-free grace period on all checkouts (except Adventure Passes), but fines are calculated from the due date, not from the end of the grace period.

Loss of Borrowing Privileges

If there are "lost materials" on your record, or if you have more than 25 items overdue, you are blocked from checkout until the items are returned or paid for and the appropriate fines are also paid.

If you have unresolved charges of $5 or more, you are blocked from checkout until cleared.

The library reserves the right to block the use of all cards at a household if the sum of the unresolved charges on one or more cards is $50 or more.

All cards in a household can be blocked if anyone whose card is blocked uses another household member's card to avoid resolving an overdues block.

About Overdues and Fines

Fines are set by the Library Board each year.  The fines vary depending on the item type.  For the current daily fine rates, please see the library’s latest fee schedule.

Pre-Overdue Email Notices

As a courtesy, the library sends an email or text notice 3 days before an item is due so you can renew it or return it before fines accrue. Only users with email or SMS will receive this notice.

Overdue Notices

The library sends email overdue notices 7 days after items are due. The library staff will notify users by phone of any overdues when there is no email address.

Billing Notice

Items not returned within 30 days of the due date are assumed lost and a "Notice of Unresolved Charges" is emailed or sent by regular mail, in which case a postage fee may be added. When the item is returned, the patron remains responsible for any overdue fines.

City Attorney

If a borrower who has fees/fines of $50 or more and fails to respond to the "Notice of Unresolved Charges" within 30 days, the matter will be filed for city attorney review. When a borrower has fees/fines of $50 or more and has an address correction note on his/her record, the matter may be referred to the city attorney.

Fines and Fees

Membership & Card Fees:

  • Non-resident annual, per family = $ 40.00 (1 year); $20.00 (6 months)
  • Non-resident annual, student = $ 10.00
  • Replacing a lost card (all users) = $ 1.00


Fines = $ .10 a day

For maximum fines, please ask at the circulation desk.


  • Photocopies, 8-1/2" x 11" = $ .10 per page
  • Photocopies, 8-1/2" x 14" = $ .20 per page
  • Microfilm/fiche = $ .10 per page
  • Computer printouts = $ .10 per page black and white, $ .50 per page color

Charge is no different if user provides paper.  Two-sided copies = 2 pages.

Interlibrary Loan Charges:*

  • $3.00 postage per item (patron will be contacted if there is a special charge for an item) = $ 3.00 per item
  • Lost materials = Price set by lender

*Note: If the loaning library has a minimum fee, the transaction will not be completed unless the borrower agrees to pay that fee as well.

Lost Materials Charges:

Replacement cost of item (or purchase like item as replacement).

Damaged Materials:

Damage cost assessed up to full value of the item.

Other Charges:

  • Replace barcode or item label = $ .25 per item
  • Replacement of materials = $3.00 (for replacement of hubs, spine labels, book covers, plastic inserts for books on CD, clear hanging bags, music CD cases, CD and DVD locks, DVD cases, AV inserts, RFID tags)
  • Replacement for Books on CD cases = $8 for small, $9 for medium, $10 for large