The Bellevue Public Library Foundation is a volunteer nonprofit group whose mission is to develop and encourage long-term financial health and growth of the library. They engage in library sponsored activities which promote fund raising in the community and provide funding support for library programs and services.
The Library Foundation fund-raising efforts include memorials and honorariums, raffles, book sales, sales of library related gifts, Omaha Gives and others.
Memorials and honorariums honor the memory of a deceased family member, club member, or friend with a donation to the Bellevue Library Foundation's Memorial Fund. Our staff will select a book for the library that reflects the special interests of the deceased. A memorial book plate will be placed in the book.
Celebrate a milestone in the life of a friend or family member with a donation for the purchase of a special library book in honor of his/her accomplishment (graduation, retirement, election to club office, etc.). A special bookplate will be placed in the book.
The Bellevue Library Foundation accepts donations of books, magazines, books on CD, DVDs, etc. Those items the library does not add to the collection are transferred to the Library Foundation for its ongoing book sale room. Donations of materials and/or equipment to the library are tax deductible. For tax purposes, you determine the worth of your donation.
The Bellevue Library Foundation participates in the annual OmahaGives online giving organized by the Omaha Community Foundation. The actual OmahaGives Day is held in May, but donations can be made online year-round through the giving platform by clicking on the Donate Now button.
Donate Now
The Bellevue Library Foundation is registered as a 501-C3 tax exempt organization.