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15 August 2023

National Voter Registration Day

September 19

Event date: 9/19/2023 Export event

Every year, millions of Americans find themselves unable to vote because they miss a registration deadline, don’t update their registration, or aren’t sure how to register. National Voter Registration Day is the nation’s biggest nonpartisan civic holiday dedicated to getting every eligible American registered to vote for their next election.  As a nonpartisan civic holiday celebrated every September, National Voter Registration Day seeks to make sure each one of these Americans has the opportunity to make sure they’re registered to vote before their next election. Beyond registering voters, National Voter Registration Day also seeks to make sure Americans are #VoteReady by raising awareness of state-specific voter registration deadlines and policies, educating voters on election information and their different options for casting a ballot, and drumming up enthusiasm for political participation. Visit the Bellevue Public Library on September 19 to complete voter registration paperwork. A representative of the Sarpy County Election Commission will be available for part of the day to answer questions.


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