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9 February 2023

Choose Your Own Adventure Read-Aloud Book Club (Grades K through 6)

In Person

Event date: 3/8/2023 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Export event

Thursday, Mar 2, 2-3 pm; repeated Wednesday, Mar 8, 4-5 pm (This is a read-together book club.)

Our mentor, the brilliant Dr. Diana Wogan, has disappeared along with several of her most recent inventions. One of them is a machine that could neutralize radiation and potentially stop the threat of nuclear weapons. We are her trusted assistants, and the world looks to us for help. Has she been kidnapped? Or, is she in danger and hiding on purpose? Through the entire journey, WE will decide what happens next! Snack and activity kit provided. Registration is required. | This book club is sponsored by Chooseco, LLC. | https://forms.gle/NjnGCB5CyUC5VS8t9


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